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Information Sessions

Information Session #1 – Accommodating Students
11:00 – 12:00

Students with physical disabilities or mental illnesses are legally entitled to reasonable accommodation. What are the rights and responsibilities of academic staff during the accommodation process, and what best practices are emerging?

Information Session #2 – ​The Algorithm is Watching
11:00 – 12:00

New software technology, like Proctorio, is being used by universities and colleges to prevent students from cheating when taking exams and tests remotely. The software monitors movements and sounds. What are the implications for privacy and other rights? Why should academic staff be concerned?

Information Session #3 – Capping Internationalization
11:00 – 12:00

The federal government recently announced major changes to the international student visa program, including a cap that will cut the number of visas issued by more than half. How will this affect universities and colleges, and how might international student recruitment be better managed by institutions, the provinces, and the federal government.